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  • Lina Alm

Next step in life for "Tangy"

This is what she looked like, little Tangerina, a few days old. First daughter of Perfect Spirit. She was born on February 17 but had no major concerns that it might be a little chilly in the air. I will never forget how she was absolutely bursting with life when she thundered around the arena at Silvåkra.

And now she has found her second home in life. To our great joy, she was sold a few days ago to Stall Zet, Daniel Redén. We hope and believe that this little lady will do well when the seriousness creeps in and it's time to start competing. She has always been a real tough cookie, but also incredibly social with people.

We wish the new owner and trainer the best of luck with our little girl! It will of course be extremely exciting to follow her.

Have a good day!


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