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  • Lina Alm

Summary of 2022

So it was time to sum up the 2022 breeding season...


We had 4 yearlings to sell, we sold 3 and chose to keep one.

  • Rayo De Sol - Sold

  • Tangerine - Sold

  • Largo Winch - Sold

  • Stage Diver - Keep for future breeding



We got 4 nice foals and all the foalings went smoothly!

  • Asimbonanga, Stallion (Chapter Seven - Queen Paige)

  • El Dorado, stallion (The Bank - Que Sera Sera)

  • Elmoor Face, stallion (Tactical Landing - Sevens Up)

  • Rex Union, stallion (Raja Mirchi - Zingy Kronos)


Pregnant mares

We have 4 mares pregnant for 2023.

  • Que Sera Sera - Father Patrick

  • Tiffany Dany - Gimpanzee

  • Ms Stone - Gimpanzee

  • Zingy Kronos - Ready Cash

See you soon!


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